The Diva-Lite 415 is part of the 400 series that's optimized for digital video capture. The Diva-Lite 415's features and benefits include built-in barn doors, cool running operating temperatures, 5 to 100% dimming with minimal color shift and low electrical draw. Its universal 100-240 VAC ballast is built-in while its slim 6" profile allows placement where other lights can't fit. Besides dimming other controls include 2-lamp or 4-lamp switching. The units provide a broad, soft and diffused light and a good cosmetic quality of light. Their compact size and rugged lightweight nature make them well suited for travel.
The Diva-Lite puts out a broad soft wash of light. The fall off is similar to light bounced off of a card. For this reason it is most effective in close proximity to the subject. Up close, the light is softer and easily controlled with the built-in barndoors and included detachable louvers. Popular for interviews, it is small enough to travel easily and light enough to rig onto lighting stands or grip arms. Diva-Lites operate on separately purchased Kino Flo True Match 55W compact fluorescent lamps. Daylight balanced (KF55) and tungsten balanced (KF32) lamps are available. Optional accessories include a 60-degree honeycomb louver and a wired dimmer.
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